Our ΑΓΩ Team


Iakovos Kritikos (Jacob Kritikos)
Founder, Project Manager & Head of Research
Jacob founded ΑΓΩ in October 2017. Jacob has graduated from the Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering School of the National & Technical University of Athens with a 8.3/10 grade and since 2017 he conducts research in the medical field at the Biomedical Engineering Lab.
Stavroula Poulopoulou
Virtual Reality Animation & Development
Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece, specializing in e-Learning. Involved in web/graphic design, 3D-modeling, animation, editing. Volunteer as media/video editor and animator in TEDx University of Piraeus 2017, graphic designer for JourneyPost application and web designer for RosettaSoft web services.
Chara Zoitaki
Research Associate & Virtual Reality Development
Electrical and Computer Engineering student at the National & Technical University of Athens, specializing in Informatics.  During her studies she has volunteered for a variety of causes with high societal impact and has been involved in technological education. She was the Head Organizer of UNIque Days 2017 and coordinator at Job Fair Athens 2018, by EESTEC L.C. Athens.
Giannis Tzannetos
Technical Manager & Biosignal Sensor Development
Giannis is a senior student at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National & Technical University of Athens. During his studies he has participated at many hackathons and has been involved in a variety of projects. His a very friendly and talented software developer that likes to take on difficult tasks.
Anxhelino Mehmeti
Biosignal & Motion Sensors Development
Informatics and Telecommunications at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. At ΑΓΩ, he is responsible for the development and contribution to the software associated with motion sensors, virtual environments and Android devices. He is characterized by his strong desire for problem solving and his team spirit.
Marilina Douloudi
Research Associate
Marilina graduated from department of Chemistry in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with a 8.4/10 grade. Her specialty in Biochemistry and her passion for research motivated her to work for qualified laboratories that reinforced her research skills and deepened her interest to investigate the field of Neuroscience. Currently, she follows a Neuroscience career as a Master student at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
George Nikolaou
Biosignal & Motion Sensors Development
Informatics and Telecommunications at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He is passionate  with hardware engineering, internet of things technology, and cloud technologies. He is experienced with 3d printing and design, programming on microcontrollers, implementing communication protocols and practices that combines software development  and information technology operations.
Alexis Spilipoulos
Business Operations
Alexis has graduated from the Electrical and Computer engineering School of the National Technical University of Athens and got his MSc in Management from Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) Holland. He has been studying medical IoT Applications related to the prediction of Mental ilnesses and Neuroses
Academic Advisors
Prof George Alevizopoulos MD
Medical Advisor
Professor and Director of Psychiatry Department of the Oncological Hospital of Kifisia, Athens Greece
Prof Dimitris Koutsouris
Technical Advisor
Professor and Director of  Biomedicine Engineering Laboratory of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Dr. Nikolaos Mavridis
Science applied in marker mentor
PhD from MIT & Founder and Director of Interactive Robots and Media Lab
Business Advisors
Bob Zailckas
Business operations mentor
Co-Founder - President New England Innovation Group
George Eleftheriou
Business operations mentor
CEO & Co-Founder Myfeel
Pamela Caravas
Business coaching mentor
Founder & Owner of Coaching Evolution International
Our project is driven by our core team, which consists of young people, graduates and graduating from top greek universities. Given their background, each member may focus on the development of the system or the research required in the medical field. Some of us are responsible for the leading of the team and the overall progress of the projects, as well as the business operations. All of us have been part of innovative projects before and have volunteered for a vast variety of causes, acquiring soft and hard skills and giving back to society. Also, we are active members of the startup and entrepreneurial scene, having and participating in startups  in the past.